Re-Capping Covid-19: Victory Medical Center’s Dr. Billy Franklin on Potential Treatments

Re-Capping Covid-19: Victory Medical Center’s
Dr. Billy Franklin on Potential Treatments

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Ketamine the Trippy Medication That Provides Hope for Those With Depression

Ketamine -The Trippy Medication That Provides Hope for Those With Depression 

Dark shadow over person's face

Ketamine is a medication that has been around for a long time and has been used mainly in the past as an anesthetic, because when properly administered by a physician in a controlled environment, it is much safer on the respiratory system than other anesthetics.  However, research (although in its infancy) suggests that it can provide hope for those with depression. 

Some speculate that when administered in a proper setting and dosage, it allows the brain to become more readily available to change and have a positive outcome versus being stuck in a mental rut the rest of your life because of depression.  

How is Ketamine Used for Depression? 

At Victory Medical, Ketamine Infusion Therapy is not simply a form of an anti-depressant that is administered. It is more of a disruptor of signals running to and from the brain allowing them to be rerouted so to speak.  It is also a vehicle for self-exploration and understanding as the experience is driven and supervised under the direct care of a psychiatric nurse practitioner who helps you break down the walls you have been building for majority of your life. Some people describe the experience as “trippy”, but life changing at the same time.  

What Does Ketamine Infusion Therapy Feel Like? 

When administered at dosages less than what would be used for anesthesia, you feel a sense of dissociation. You remain conscious but may lose awareness of your body or as if you are “zoned out” or traveling to another realm. The experience is relaxing as you are laying down when the medication is administered, and some choose to wear an eye mask and listen to soothing music. After the session is complete, family members report the patient as less irritable, having a sense of peace, and transformative in their relationships. 

How is Ketamine Different from Other Anti-Depressants? 

For starters, Ketamine is not an SSRI so unlike most medications that are prescribed for depression which fall under this category, Ketamine is in a category of its own. Many people switch from anti-depressant to anti-depressant without finding the relief they are seeking. Therefore, Ketamine is considered a game changer because it offers relief to patients who previously didn’t find a positive response with previous medications. 

Does Ketamine Help with Other Issues Besides Depression? 

Yes, Ketamine is also known to help with anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, and postpartum depression. In our next article, we will go over how Ketamine can help those who experience these other types of issues. 

Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Ketamine the Trippy Medication That Provides Hope for Those With Depression appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


Ladies, Looking to Spice Up Your Sex Life?

Ladies, Looking to Spice Up Your Sex Life?

two people under the covers in bed

When most people think of the words “sexual enhancement”, they typically think of pills or lubricants. Did you know there is a procedure that is offered by Victory Medical that can help improve a female’s sexual experience? 

The Cleopatra Procedure is an alternative solution for women struggling with painful intercourse or those who cannot achieve orgasm.  Many women feel that they are alone when it comes to sexual dysfunction (for lack of a better word), however the inability to achieve a sexually satisfying experience is actually more common than most people think. Many of the factors that we cannot control can inhibit one’s sexual experience: age, hormones levels, lack of desire, decreased arousal, and increased stress to name a few. 

When we are sick or feeling fatigued, we visit a doctor to come up with a plan to provide a remedy for our issues. Why not do the same for your sex life? There is nothing to be ashamed of and although some people consider the topic taboo, more and more people are choosing to take charge of their sex life.  

What is the Cleopatra Procedure? 

The procedure is simple and non-surgical so put your worries aside! The recovery time is minimal and the results are noticeable. Your entire visit will take around an hour. When you come in for your scheduled procedure appointment, the Victory Medical team will draw your blood, prepare the specimen, and then walk you through what to expect throughout the entire procedure. After the procedure, many patients report no more painful intercourse, no downtime, an increased libido, and a renewed sexual intimacy.  

How is the Cleopatra Procedure Performed? 

The first step is to numb the supra-pubic fat pad on the outside of the vagina as well as numb inside the vagina for comfort. Once the numbing sets in, a proprietary solution is used to inject the supra pubic fat pad region which results in a less prominent fat pad area. Next, the blood specimen that was drawn and prepared earlier in the appointment is injected into the clitoral and urethral areas which helps to increase sensation, thereby increasing pleasure, in those areas. Finally, the G-spot and C-spot are injected with the processed blood specimen to help increase orgasmic response in those areas as well. 

What Do Patients Report? 

Patients have reported a quick recovery, increased libido and renewed sexual intimacy with their partner.  Patients have conveyed that this procedure was life changing in regards to their sex life due to easing painful intercourse and increasing their ability to experience arousal, orgasm and overall pleasure.  

A bonus benefit is that the procedure is quite affordable.  

Don’t put off making your wants, needs, and desires a priority. Focus on YOU and make your sex life a priority. Life is too short-enjoy every possible moment of it. 



Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Ladies, Looking to Spice Up Your Sex Life? appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


Managing Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Managing Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Face MedSpa

Micro-needling is a treatment for a wide variety of skin issues. It can be used to address wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. You can also treat scars, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation.  

How Does a Micro-needling Treatment Work? 

A micro-needling treatment is performed using a medical device that contains tiny needles and is used specifically to treat the skin by creating tiny microchannels inside the skin.  This is accomplished by needles that oscillate allowing the device to travel smoothly over the skin.  This causes the skin to renew and repair itself. 

This skin treatment is a fantastic option for those who are worried about recovery time or injections because the pain is minimal.  You can go back to work immediately after this non-invasive treatment. Another added perk of Micro-needling is that it can be safely used on all skin types and tones. 

Micro-needling Helps Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines 

Micro-needling can produce results like fractional lasers when used on wrinkles and fine lines. Lasers have been known to present a risk of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation; however micro-needling does not have that same risk. This is because it is not a heat-based treatment and it is solely relying on your body’s own regenerative forces to heal and improve the texture and tone of skin post-treatment. 

How Micro-needling Works 

The science behind the procedure is that the micro-needling device is turned on and the trained aesthetician glides the device back and forth over clean skin. When this motion happens, the tiny needles inside the device oscillate back and forth creating tiny wounds that are so small they will not be noticed later. These tiny microscopic wounds signal to the body that it is injured, and the body then sends signals to the skin to activate its repair procedures with collagen. Collagen is a very important protein that helps with skin elasticity.  The older you get, the less collagen you produce. Therefore, you will notice that skin tends to sag and wrinkle in the elderly population of people.  

Micro-needling gives your skin a jump-start to produce as much collagen as it did when you were younger and helps to smooth wrinkles and reduce fine lines.  

How Many Micro-Needling Treatments Will I Need? 

Most people tend to see results a few weeks after their first treatment, however most people will need multiple treatments to achieve the best results. Another concept to remember is that your skin is constantly aging due to time and environmental factors.  As you age you will need to continue treatments to achieve the best results.  

Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Managing Fine Lines and Wrinkles appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


Sculptra® is a Long-Lasting Filler

Sculptra® is a Long-Lasting Filler

Sculptra® is a dermal filler that is used to treat moderate and harsh wrinkles. It can be used to reverse the signs of the aging process and is injected into the skin below the wrinkle, helping to smooth it away.  

How Does Sculptra® Work? 

Sculptra® allows for more natural-looking benefits that last longer and produce results gradually versus instantaneous. 

Sculptra® is known to be a collagen stimulator and contains PLLA, or poly-L-lactic acid.   By injecting this dermal filler into the skin, it stimulates the tissue and helps create new collagen. This collagen creation is what allows it to produce subtle results that take effect over a gradual period of time. Many patients have seen results remain for as long as two years, whereas some other injectables can last just months.  

Sculptra® is injected deep into the skin tissue all the way into the dermal layer. This is different than other fillers where they are injected just below the wrinkle or fold. The volumizing effect from the PLLA can work over a large area for better contouring. 

What Are The Benefits of Sculptra®? 

Sculptra® offers numerous advantages: 

  • Stimulation of the creation of new collagen that can bring about a fuller and more youthful look. 
  • Non-surgical so it is not as drastic as a facelift for treating the signs of aging skin. 
  • Can treat sunken eyes.
  • It can help plump up cheeks. 
  • It lasts much longer than other fillers. 
  • Results are subtle and happen gradually over time for a more natural evolving look. 
  • Sculptra® enhances the tone of the skin. 

Is Sculptra® the Right Choice for Reducing Wrinkles? 

Sculptra® is the filler of choice for many people looking for a subtle enhancement and reduction of wrinkles. Call the experts at Victory MedSpa in Austin, TX, if you are wanting to schedule a FREE consultation and see if Sculptra® is right for you. 


Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Sculptra® is a Long-Lasting Filler appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


Body Parts That Reveal Your Age First

Body Parts That Reveal Your Age First

Glamour portrait of beautiful woman model with fresh daily make-up and romantic wavy hairstyle. Fashion shiny highlighter on skin.

With age, your skin thins and decreases in elasticity.  As a result, wrinkles, age spots, and skin tags become common. There are various ways to help improve your skin on your own such as reducing alcohol consumption, increasing water consumption, wearing sunscreen, not smoking, and avoiding hot showers. These “self-help” methods will give you beautiful skin but are not a quick fix for skin that is already damaged from all these elements.  

We see a lot of patients in our medical spa and it is no secret that the areas that people want a quick fix for are typically the face, hands, eyes, and neck areas. We have many treatments available to help improve the signs of aging such as fillers/injectables, facials, laser treatments, micro-needling, product, and much more. 

If you already have damage in any of these areas, it is best to start making positive changes to your daily routine now. If you want to improve these areas immediately, it is best to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced team members at Victory MedSpa. 

Four Areas of the Body That Show Signs of Aging First 


The hands are almost always exposed to the elements as we only wear gloves in the wintertime. We expose them directly to the sun as we are driving or even as we are walking outside. As a result, it is important to apply sunscreen to the back of your hands as well as apply a hand cream daily. The hands start to show signs of aging in one’s 20s, but many people notice the signs in their 30s and 40s. It is important to start caring for your hands now. If your hands show signs of aging and you want fantastic results, then consider laser treatment, micro-needling, or even a chemical peel on this area. 


Hyperpigmentation often occurs as we grow older and can be greatly affected by the amount of sun exposure our face has. In addition to eating healthy and drinking a lot of water, it is important to wear sunscreen daily and even consider a brightening serum to help even your skin tone. For wrinkles and hyperpigmentation that do not go away easily fillers, chemical peels, micro-needling, as well as laser treatments can be offered at our medical spa. 


Our eyes may appear sunken, have dark circles around them, or develop fine lines as we laugh or smile. It is important to keep this area of your face well hydrated, drink a lot of water, get enough sleep, and consume less salt to reduce any puffiness. Alcohol is also a major contributor of puffiness in this area. If you are looking for a more satisfying improvement, consider a muscle relaxer or filler in the area in order to improve the aging effect. 


Many people dread growing older and developing a “turkey neck”, but unfortunately this area is one of the first to show signs of aging due to how much sun exposure this area gets as well as how thin the skin is. It is important to use the same product you use on your face on your neck as well. There are a variety of treatments the team at Victory MedSpa can perform in order to produce a more desirable effect as well. 


Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Body Parts That Reveal Your Age First appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


What Procedures at What Age?

What MedSpa Procedures Do I Need and at What Age?

Body MedSpa Product

What MedSpa Procedures Should I Have Done and When? 

One of the most common questions we receive is relating to what services a patient should have based on what age they are. After performing thousands of procedures, we have a good idea of what achieves the best results at various ages.  

One thing to consider is that everyone ages differently.  This can be impacted by genetics, sun damage, alcohol consumption, hormones, smoking, and more.  It is always best to get a consultation completed by one of our highly trained and experienced aestheticians. 

Also, it is not unusual for patients in their 30’s to need the same treatments that are often recommended for patients who are in their 40’s or 50’s because, as mentioned before, aging is impacted by various factors and is truly dependent on the various factors listed above. 

MedSpa Services Recommended for Patients Ages 30 to 35 

  1. Monthly Facials 
  1. VI Peels every 4 months 
  1. Professional cosmeceuticals 
  1. Botox®, Dysport®, and Fillers in patients who are looking to prevent premature lines and wrinkles 

MedSpa Services Recommended for Patients Ages 35 to 45 

  1. All the above plus: 
  1. IPL and BBL Photofacials for face, hands, and decollate targeting sun damage and age spots 
  1. Additional fillers to replace volume in cheeks, tear troughs, lips and hands 

MedSpa Services Recommended for Patients Ages 45 & Up 

  1. All the above plus: 
  1. Additional fillers to replace volume in cheeks, tear troughs, lips, and hands 
  1. PRP Therapy through micro-needling to restore elastin and build collagen 
  1. PDO Thread Facelifts 

As patients age, fillers become a common solution for helping to achieve a more youthful look. Many patients often believe that they will only need 1 or 2 syringes to replace the volume lost over decades of aging. This is not usually the case. It is not uncommon for patients to need 4 to 6 syringes or more of filler on their first visit. Fillers can also stimulate collagen growth so less is usually required to achieve desired results after that initial visit. 

What is Botox®? 

Botox® is offered to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in targeted areas.  It is injected by a trained aesthetician who can determine the amount you will need to achieve your desired look. The full effects of the treatment usually take effect in 7 to 10 days. Botox® is FDA approved, quick (typically a 10-minute treatment), has minimal downtime, and delivers subtle but noticeable results. You will look like you, just with less noticeable facial lines. The standard treatment per area begins with about 20 units. 

Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post What Procedures at What Age? appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


Upper Lip Hair Removal

Upper Lip Hair Removal

red lips

Upper Lip Hair Removal: What You Should Know 

Does peach fuzz keep you paranoid? There is nothing wrong with a little facial hair…we all have it. Most ladies feel it is taboo to talk about, but if you ask any of your girlfriends…they are secretly using every wax, cream, tweezers, razor, or even laser treatment out there.  

One thing other than peach fuzz paranoia, hating to tweeze, dreading the smelly creams, and wishing away waxing, we all have one more thing in common-a desire for a simple effective solution to rid ourselves of unwanted hair!  Laser hair removal is THE way to go to take care of this issue and is also the easiest solution. 

Why is Hair Removal Cream Not the Ideal Solution? 

Hair removal cream works…don’t get me wrong.  But, have you ever tried a hair removal cream and made a huge mess? There are horror stories about hair removal cream dripping on the wrong areas or being left on too long and burning one’s skin. For those with sensitive skin, this is a particularly unpleasant experience with lots of possible skin reactions and side effects.  Plus, it is a stinky messy solution that is not ideal for anyone.  


Waxing is best when performed by a professional. You can put yourself at risk for burning your skin or even causing scabs when you try this at home. Have you ever tried wax and left it on for too long and you start a tug of war with the wax and your skin? Unfortunately, your skin rarely wins. Did I mention this is painful? Wax doesn’t just pull on the hair…it pulls on your skin too so there is a chance you could end up with a disaster instead of smooth sexy skin.  Not the way to go! 

Laser Hair Removal Should Be Your Go to Method 

Laser hair removal is one of the least painful methods for removing unwanted hair. The great thing about it is if you are targeting the upper lip area, then the process is quick, and the results are incredible. Imagine having to painfully wax or apply a topical cream every few weeks. With laser hair removal, those days are over as the results are long lasting. It is also addicting. Once you start lasering your “lady-stache” you will find other areas you no longer want to shave or wax. Many ladies come to Victory MedSpa to target unwanted hair on their upper lip, but if you have other problem areas, I can promise you are not alone. We all have unwanted hair on our body and it is nothing to be ashamed of.  Laser hair removal is a simple yet highly effective fix. Give us a call and let us zap your problems away. 


Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Upper Lip Hair Removal appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


Ketamine Effective in Treating PTSD

Ketamine Effective in Treating PTSD

Picture of patient who is depressed

Causes of post-traumatic stress disorder can range from violence, assault, natural disasters, abuse, witnessing a violent death, military combat and more. PTSD affects 8 million Americans nationwide according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. 

How Does PTSD Affect Your Brain? 

It makes sense that witnessing or being a victim of any of the causes above (plus many others) would cause someone to be upset or even experience physical symptoms. Unfortunately, many with post-traumatic stress experience physical symptoms such as nausea or even nightmares. Post-traumatic stress symptoms generally only last a few weeks, however post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms can last a lifetime. Symptoms of PTSD can disrupt one’s life and can include rapid heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, anxious feelings, and nausea. 

When we injure our self (stub a toe, break a bone, etc.) the physical harm that is done to our body is usually visible as we can see swelling, bruising, bleeding, redness, etc. Although an emotional injury to the brain isn’t visible in the exact same way, research has shown that parts of the brain are in some way altered due to trauma. 

Ketamine Therapy for PTSD 

There is a Veterans Affairs office in San Francisco that has been using ketamine therapy to help treat veterans with PTSD. Ketamine Infusion Therapy has been used off label more recently as it has been found to help improve symptoms of those suffering with PTSD. The patients at the Veterans Affairs office in San Francisco have had impressive results. Many other physicians are seeking to help treat their patients with PTSD using Ketamine Infusion Therapy. In Austin, TX Victory Medical is doing just the same.  

Patients schedule an appointment with a licensed mental health nurse practitioner at Victory Medical who helps them address their PTSD and then the team at Victory Medical formulates a plan for PTSD treatment that is customized for each individual. Patients who have PTSD and have undergone Ketamine Infusion Therapy at Victory Medical have stated that the treatment is lifechanging. 

How Many Treatments Are Needed? 

Some patients typically see results after the first treatment within a few days, however many benefit from 2 or more treatments. It is important to remember that you have been dealing with what could be nearly a lifetime injury, so it is important to be patient to allow for the results to happen. 

How Much Does Ketamine Infusion Therapy Cost? 

Due to the medication costs, the length of the treatment, and the team involved, the treatment can be costly. Insurance does not cover Ketamine Infusion Therapy, however there is financing available. The Victory Medical team can go over these options available to you as many find that the costs are reasonable when financing is used. 

Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post Ketamine Effective in Treating PTSD appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.


How Botox and Fillers Work to Reduce Wrinkles

How Botox and Fillers Reduce Wrinkles

As we age, we tend to see those dreaded grey hairs appear as well as an increase in fine lines and wrinkles.  These are clear signs of aging. Although this is all part of the natural aging process, you do not have to live with these signs forever.  There are proven products and procedures that will help smooth away and fill in these lines and wrinkles without having to resort to something as drastic as a facelift. 

At Victory MedSpa in Austin, Texas, we address the issues of fine lines and wrinkles daily.  This is one of the most common requests that we get from potential clients.  We use Botox® and a variety of dermal fillers to accomplish this. In order to see if you are a candidate for this type of treatment, it is always recommended to call for a free consultation.  

How is Botox® Used? 

Botox® is most commonly used to help smooth out lines that are created when we are expressing ourselves through conversation, smiling, or laughing. These expression lines easily smooth away when your face is at rest, but when animated, they can be very noticeable and cause you to look older. Many of these expression lines occur in the more active areas of your face such as the forehead, smile, grimace, eyes, or frown areas. 

What are the most popular areas Botox® is used to treat? 

Many people choose to receive Botox® treatment in the forehead because this area tends to create the most expressive lines when someone is having an animated conversation. Many patients also opt to have Botox® administered in the crow’s lines that occur near the eyes.  However, there are many popular areas to treat to achieve a more youthful appearance. 

Is Botox® Permanent? 

Botox® is a temporary treatment that can last up to several months for most people. To keep your wrinkles and fine lines hidden, it is best to start a maintenance program and continue your efforts. 

How are Fillers Used? 

Fillers are used to treat static wrinkles (or wrinkles that are there all the time no matter if you are expressing yourself). Fillers are typically made of a gel-like substance containing hyaluronic acid which is a substance is found naturally in the body. Think of your skin as being deflated when there is a wrinkle. When the filler is injected, it inflates the area which in return creates a smoothing effect. Hyaluronic acid is known to pull moisture from the body to fill in the area even more. 

These days there are many options out there.  To understand what the best option for your needs may be, it is best to schedule a complementary consultation with the experienced team at Victory MedSpa. Contact us for a Botox® or dermal filler consultation in Austin, TX. 

Additional Services Offered by Victory Medical

Did You Know… Victory Medical is a one stop shop. We offer additional services for your convenience so you can tackle all of your health needs in one spot.

Victory Medical Offers:

  • Primary Care: annual physicals, blood work, medication management, EKG, Vaccines, X-rays, Blood work
  • Heartwise Physical: a comprehensive, preventative, non-invasive, head-to-toe evaluation, that includes 26 tests and takes about 90 minutes to complete.
  • Pharmacy: receive prescriptions through the convenience of our pharmacy. We also offer compounded prescriptions custom measured and compounded specifically for you.
  • Urgent Care: Get help whenever you may need it with our Urgent Care clinics that have extended hours.
  • Natural Hormone Replacement: Want to rejoin the human race and experience renewed energy, a fulfilling sex life, and happiness again? Don’t let the effects of aging drag you down.
  • MedSpa: Look and feel beautiful at our MedSpa where you will receive quality treatments and products as well as beauty consultations
  • Coolsculpting: The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise.
  • Ketamine Therapy: Ketamine is rapid acting, has a short duration of action, and has been known to drastically help those affected by Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD.
  • Allergy: Allergy testing can improve your quality of life and shed light on the cause or trigger of your bothersome symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Victory Medical provides state-of-the-art physical therapy and rehabilitation for pain management, neurological ailments, and the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and post-surgical needs.
  • Chiropractic Therapy: Manage pain, heal faster, reduce stress, enjoy life
  • Weight Loss: Medical weight loss is an effective option for individuals who haven’t had success with other methods, and for people who need their health and safety monitored every step of the way.

Ask a staff member for more information about any of our services or schedule an appointment by calling 512-462-DOCS (3627)

The post How Botox and Fillers Work to Reduce Wrinkles appeared first on Victory Medical Services & Medical Spa.
